Have you had your bank account or wages garnished? Did you find yourself out of money, out of time and out of groceries? If so, you’re not alone. People get garnished every day. Why? Because they don’t confront and handle the problem that they got themselves into. Bill collectors can be obnoxious creeps that don’t let you get a word in and threaten you with all sorts of things. This puts people into a position of not wanting to communicate with them and puts them in a worse situation. Here are a few tips to help you handle those situations so that your money isn’t taken from you:
1. If you communicate with the creditors you will have more luck handling them so that you won’t get garnished.
2. Make arrangements, and keep to them. Make sure if you get a payment arrangement from a collection agency that you get it in writing. DON’T take their word for it, bill collectors lie.
3. Offer settlements to law firms for less than the full amount, they might just take it.
4. When you’re supposed to go to court, go to court. Plead your case and try to get a payment arrangement from the judge, it could be a much better payment arrangement than the one the creditor offered you.
5. CONFRONT, CONFRONT, CONFRONT! Look at the paperwork, appear in court, pick up the phone and call. Go on line and get more understanding on the process and you will be more educated to handle the situation.
6. Be tough and fight for what you want, don’t back down.
By following these simple steps you can make a difference in your life and not be caught off guard by a garnishment. I hope I have your agreement!
The Debt Lady says, “Keep the money you earn and don’t let anybody take it away from you!”
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